We invite proposals for the Bob Levenson Research Awards, which are made possible with the generous support of Professor Robert W. Levenson. The award will provide funding for graduate student and postdoctoral research projects and professional development (e.g., workshop attendance). Projects should be aligned with IPSR’s mission: To conduct basic social and personality research that contributes to understanding and fostering well-being, health, equality, and access to information for all. We particularly encourage projects that involve or advance collaboration across students, labs, or disciplines.
Funding will be up to $2,000. In some circumstances we will consider proposals up to $5,000. Please justify why you need more money (e.g., for collaborative projects; for projects involving large samples of participants; for multimethod projects).
How to apply:
Submit the following materials via email to ipsr@berkeley.edu
- A 2-page maximum proposal that includes title, aims, research questions, statement of importance, method, hypotheses or anticipated outcomes, and timeline.
- A 1-page maximum budget and budget justification. Projects will be awarded for up to 2 years.
- A brief endorsement by your mentor(s). This does not need to be a letter of support; we just need a brief 1-2 sentence statement indicating yourmentor(s) have read the proposal and endorse it.
- Your CV.
All materials should be compiled into a single pdf document.
Eligible expenses include:
- Participant payments
- Travel for research
- Necessary equipment
- Software
- Workshop fees; travel to another lab to learn a new method
Ineligible expenses include:
- Conference attendance or conference travel
- Stipends
Proposals due: 1/15/2025 midnight
Announce: Before 2/15/2025
- Graduate student or postdoctoral fellow
- At least one of the faculty mentors who endorses the project is an affiliate of IPSR and will be involved in the project
Results from research grants will be presented in an IPSR colloquium. If you use the support to attend a workshop or learn a new method or approach we will ask you to pass on what you learned to interested IPSR members.
For questions please contact Ore Carmi at ipsr@berkeley.edu